Arvixe vs. A2 Hosting

January 25, 2022

Arvixe vs. A2 Hosting: Who Wins the Cloud Hosting Battle?

Are you in the market for cloud hosting but can't decide between Arvixe and A2 Hosting? We've got you covered. In this article, we'll compare the two hosting providers in terms of performance, uptime, customer support, pricing, and more. So let the battle begin!

Performance and Uptime

When it comes to performance and uptime, both Arvixe and A2 Hosting excel. Arvixe promises an uptime of 99.9% and has an average response time of 648ms, while A2 Hosting boasts a 99.95% uptime guarantee and an average response time of 317ms.

Although there's not a significant difference, A2 Hosting comes out on top in terms of speed, making it the better option for websites that require fast loading times.

Customer Support

Customer support is crucial when it comes to web hosting, and both Arvixe and A2 Hosting offer 24/7 customer support through various channels, including live chat and ticketing systems.

However, A2 Hosting takes it up a notch with their Guru Crew Support team, which is dedicated to resolving customer issues promptly. They also offer a knowledge base and community forum to help customers find solutions to common problems.


Arvixe and A2 Hosting both offer affordable cloud hosting plans, but A2 Hosting's plans are slightly cheaper. Arvixe's plans start at $108 per year, while A2 Hosting's plans start at $7.99 per month, which equates to roughly $96 per year.

It's worth noting that both hosting providers offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try out their services without any risk.

Security and Backups

When it comes to security, both Arvixe and A2 Hosting take it seriously. They both offer various security features, including free SSL certificates, DDoS protection, and malware scanning.

However, A2 Hosting offers free automatic backups, while Arvixe charges extra for backups. This is an essential feature for any website, as it ensures that you can easily restore your website if anything goes wrong.


In conclusion, both Arvixe and A2 Hosting are excellent choices for cloud hosting.

If you value fast loading times, A2 Hosting is the clear winner. Their Guru Crew Support team and affordable pricing plans also make them an attractive option.

On the other hand, if you want a reliable hosting service with a long-standing reputation, Arvixe is a great choice.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your specific needs and preferences. But we hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision.


  1. Arvixe Website
  2. A2 Hosting Website
  3. Guru Crew Support

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